
上星期三,因為彭大要離開溫哥華,所以特別找了一幫朋友們出來吃飯,慶祝彭大將衣錦還鄉。由於之前溫哥華阿拉斯加帝王蟹(Alaska King Crab)氾濫,因此決定和那票飯友們去溫哥華當地一家高級海鮮餐廳麒麟(Kirin Restaurant) 準備大快朵頤一番。

但沒想到,不是周末的麒麟竟然在當晚格外的繁忙。和朋友坐下後,不但茶等了近15分鐘才上,就連要找人點菜都找不到人。好不容易找到人點菜,沒想到,經理說如果沒有事先預訂,是沒有辦法點帝王蟹的。如此一來,無疑是潑了整桌期待帝王蟹的我們一缸子的冷水,但是沒有關係,我還是特別的點了幾到麒麟較出名的菜,如: 蛇羹和羊腩堡等。

可是沒想到,打家竟然等了將近45分鐘,才上第一道菜,而上來的蛇羹,和之前所吃過的蛇羹味道差了一大截! 最重要的是羊腩堡到最後都還沒有上!? 總之,這次去麒麟的經驗真的很教人失望!

也因為如此,於3月26號晚上,我寫了一封意見函給麒麟總公司。而於3月31號,麒麟集團的總裁Kimble Chan先生回了一封信給我。內容如下:

Dear Mr. Chang,

Thank you for your email of March 26, 2010 regarding the incident of March 24, 2010. Please accept our most sincere apology for the unpleasant dining experience this has caused you and your guests. Upon receipt of your email, we immediately initiated an investigation into this matter, and would like to share our findings with you.

We realize that it was fairly busy that evening, yet it is no excuse to take the server such a long time to bring you tea. We also find it unacceptable for the server to forget your order of Lamb Pot. We have to admit that the quality of service on that particular day was well below our standard, and we apologize for that. We have already asked our dining room personnel to be more vigilant, and our kitchen personnel to be more attentive to quality control, hoping this would avoid the recurrence of similar incidents.

Mr. Chang, we appreciate you taking the time to let us know of our shortcomings. We truly value your feedback and the support you have given us over the past 17 years.

Again, please accept our sincere apology, and we hope you will give us another opportunity to serve you again soon at Kirin.

Yours very truly,
Kirin Restaurant

Kimble K.P. Chan




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