From the begining...

自從2001年薩皇(Juan Antonio Samaranch)在莫斯科的奧運年會中宣佈2008年的奧運將會由中國北京主辦後,這無疑的為中國人長久以來的奧運夢無疑的掀揭開了美麗的序幕,因為這會是第一次也許也會是最後一次海峽兩岸的棒球隊能夠在棒球的最高殿堂上對決的機會。


"ㄟ~ 老皮~" 我說, "你知道Team Canada is going to the Olympicㄇ?"

"OH YEAH, dude," 剛從Richmond飆車趕來的皮老邊一面拿出從九記買來的燒鴨飯, 興奮得一面說著, "it's gonna be awesome to see Canada plays Chinese Taipei in Athens."

"But, it gonna be even better if China, Chinese Taipei AND Canada are all in the Olympics altogether..." 皮老邊正把位子和他心愛的MacBook擺好打開飯盒,

"hahaha... I wish, man; but I really doubt that there will be that day! Since the qualifying system makes this day impossible." 我尷尬的笑著, 心想: "皮老邊啊,你這夢想為勉也太難達成吧!" 這時我拿起手邊的湯匙偷吃了一口燒鴨飯,

"DUDE! that's the best part of my BBQ DUCK!"


There is an old saying about this game...

Whenever the three outs have not been reach... The inning will continue... Before the last strike has been call... The game still goes on... The game has no time limit, so the hope would not have the last buzzer

The game started out with a wooden stick and a rock on the corn field....

And it has traveled from home backyard to

From a Father to son catch to a nine player defense diamond...

This has become a belief, a language and a religion for all the fans across the nations, over the sea, through the mountains...

This is THE Baseball... And this is how the HOPE has reached....

The Dreams have come true...

The Blood that pumps in every vein of baseball fans...

The impossible mission that can be accomplished... Baseball is FoReVeR!



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