與皮邊的MSN聊天實錄: 奧運棒球

Aug 25, 2008 After Korea has won the first Baseball Gold Medal in Beijing Olympics...

皮邊: wow... Korea is very determined this year, or "was"
阿嶽: they always are

皮邊: yeah~!~~

阿嶽: that's how they succeed

皮邊: yep, lots of determination. man, Japan screwed up bad eh?

阿嶽: it's a tough tournament. I would say.... all the best baseball team are there to compete,and it's a short tournament.... anything is possible

皮邊: yep, good experience

阿嶽: I think I should laugh Ed in his face

皮邊: why?

阿嶽: cuz before the Olympics... he keeps telling me china should not be in this tournament... cuz he thinks China stinks

皮邊: HAHAHAHA... why? I don't get it. I think some people let their national pride blind themselves

阿嶽: yeah...

皮邊: I mean, what exactly did we do that make us the "leader" in baseball in Asia? NOTHING.

阿嶽: it's good that you should be proud of your country... but it's never good to look down on somebody
皮邊: we cling onto our glorious past - where our athletes were better because they f**king walked around everyday, no car, no bicycles, and they loved the sports because there's no f**king TV, fancy night clubs, women, etc.

皮邊: yep, so have we developed some sort of wonderful training system? If there is I don't know

阿嶽: nope... there is no effective training for our athletic. I can tell you that.... the problem is we still indulge in our glory. It's great to have a great history... we should be proud of it.... but... it's way too over....

皮邊: yep, it's as if we "must" be able to win. It's very different btwn we "must win" and we "must be able to win"
阿嶽: hahaha... if that's the case... whz fun in baseball?
皮邊: exactly, you know I always prefer chatting w/ u rather than write an article. hahaha... maybe u can record this for ur blog. This is an interesting topic - why are we so upset we got beaten by PRC? Didn't we beat some "developed country" many many years ago when we were an "undeveloped country"? e.g. 紅葉隊

阿嶽: of course i will. hahaha... yeah... and it's already in the pasted...

皮邊: what the.. HAHAHAHAHAHA... just some interesting thing to think about. history is repeating itself, we beat some developed "major" baseball countries, and now newer countries are beating us

阿嶽: it's a cycle... history runs on the cycle
皮邊: and also hard work and training... maybe we all live too nicely now

後記: 和皮老邊聊天一直都是非常愉快的,從棒球到對於社會上所發生的事情,甚至是對人生的看法,皮老邊常常會說出一些非常Inspiring的論點,這也是為什麼我很喜歡和他聊天。我常常笑他是加拿大社會主義的奴隸,而他也常常說我是美國資本主義的豪門豬,but it never hurt our friendship. 至於這次我們聊到有關棒球的觀點,兩人對棒球都是有不謀而合的想法。我們都認為棒球應該是種享受,大家應該都要保持著,"勝不驕,敗不餒"來看待中華隊,甚至是任何一種體育活動,其實,這短短的六個字,不就是我們從小以來,老師或是父母一直教導我們的嗎? 似乎,現在的台灣人,早已忘了!



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